On Thursday, October 31, CTE students from across KCS district will be participating in the 2019 Top Wrench competition to be held at Crown College in Powell, TN. Founded in 1991, Top Wrench is designed to foster teamwork and technical skills for students who are interested in pursuing an auto-related career after high school. Students will be competiting in the following challenges and contests for scholarship money and prizes.
Static Engine Challenge
Computer Control Car Challenge
Pit Crew Challenge
Welding/Fabrication Contest
Custom Paint Contest
Valve Cover Race
Preparation for and particiation in the Top Wrench challenges and contests help students with development in the following areas:
Build life skills
Develop problem solving skills
Intiatiate creative thinking
Encourage teamwork and teach teambuilding skills
Build communication skills
Explore career opportunities
Build trust
Stress the importance of paying attention to details
Foster responsibility
Additionally, there will be Classic Custom automobiles & Interactive Displays available for participants and visitors.
Top Wrench competitions will be held at Crown College from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Crown College
2307 W Beaver Creek
Dr, Powell, TN 37849